Lichen planus actinicus (also known as "Actinic lichen niditus,"[1] "Actinic lichen planus,"[1] "Lichen planus atrophicus annularis," "Lichen planus subtropicus,"[1] "Lichen planus tropicus," "Lichenoid melanodermatitis," "Lichenoid melanodermatosis," and "Summertime actinic lichenoid eruption"[1]) is a variant of lichen planus that is more common in Middle Eastern countries in spring and summer, where sunlight appears to have a precipitating effect, such that exposed areas of the face, dorsal hands and arms, and nape of the neck are usually affected by papules that are hyperpigmented and violaceous-brown in color with a thready, rolled edge showing well-defined borders.[2]:468[3]:223